About the Study
People with bipolar disorder often experience some symptoms before having a depressive or manic episode. This study aims to develop a method by which we could predict the onset of a mood episode by capturing these earlier symptom changes. We think that these symptoms might impact how young people use their smartphones. For example, a phone can passively observe energy changes, increased talkativeness, sleep problems, and physical agitation through its sensors. By collecting phone sensor data, we hope to be able to better understand the course of bipolar disorder. Once we can identify early changes through smartphone data, we will have an opportunity to do something before a person has a significant mood episode, which might help them do better in the long run.
We are recruiting adolescents (aged 14-19) and a caregiver for this study. Adolescents must have a research diagnosis of bipolar disorder OR have no mental health diagnosis. Participation lasts for 18 months, during which time monthly phone calls and brief online surveys will be completed to track mood and behavior. Additionally, a smartphone app will collect sensor data. Participants and their caregiver will be compensated for their participation.